
International webinar. The Agroforestry Revolution of the Farm Life project

On April 25th, 2024, the Farm-Life project hosted an engaging webinar titled “The Agroforestry Revolution,” celebrating the culmination of five years of pioneering work in climate-resilient agroforestry. This EU-funded initiative brought together a diverse group of experts, including researchers, policymakers, farmers, industry leaders, and educators, to share their insights and celebrate the project’s achievements.
The webinar opened with an introduction to the Farm-Life project by Euridice Leyequien Abarca, Professor of Management of Forested Landscapes at VHL UAS, and Claudia Guerrini, Project Advisor at CINEA. They provided an overview of the project’s accomplishments and the collaborative efforts that contributed to its success.
Following the introduction, Michal Nekvasil from the European Commission discussed the European perspective on agroforestry, highlighting future opportunities and policy directions. Elaine Springgay from the FAO then offered insights into global practices and policies related to agroforestry, emphasizing international efforts and their impacts.
The focus then shifted to local applications of agroforestry. Marco Bijl from the Forestry Service Group explored how agroforestry can be integrated into business models, examining practical applications and economic benefits. This was followed by a panel discussion, which provided an interactive platform for participants to discuss the topics covered and address questions from the audience.
After a lunch break, Arjen Strijkstra, Senior Researcher at VHL UAS, presented on how agroforestry practices contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem services, using real-world examples to illustrate the benefits. Euridice Leyequien Abarca then discussed the pathways for farmers transitioning to agroforestry, focusing on the knowledge resources and support systems available, in this case the knowledge hub created by the Farm Life project.
Marlinde Koopmans, Researcher at ILVO, concluded the session by discussing strategies for scaling agroforestry practices, from initial replication to broader implementation. This session provided valuable insights into how agroforestry can be expanded and integrated into more agricultural systems.
The webinar concluded with a final panel discussion, summarizing the day’s insights and engaging with the audience’s last questions. The event wrapped up with a sense of accomplishment and optimism for the future of agroforestry.
For those interested in revisiting the content of the webinar, you can find the presentations here.